The charismatic group was born on April 25, 1979. We received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and cry in His name the presence of the Holy Spirit. Since then He rules our lives. We walked by and in faith, inspired by the Revealed Word, the Bible. We went down to the water to give testimony as true disciples of Christ. Our job is to praise the Father and build His Kingdom in the Spirit.
1979Nicodemus did not understand when he spoke to Jesus. "You must be born again, o one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit" John 3:5 Veiled Nicodemus defended Jesus before the Sanhedrin, took perfume to bury the Lord. But we do not know if born again. We do not know if he has integrated the 120 people in the Upper Room. What I think is that the word of God is living and active. I cried the presence of the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus and was born again. His spirit came to me as in the Upper Room, and the Spirit dwells in me. I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. In His strength and power, His glory shone on me and everything around me. Because I was born again, I went down to the water to bear witness to Jesus Christ. I was born again, undergoing a transformation to a new life. I began to know God in a presence that could call God or celestial harmony. Love, love of God, wrapped my being in circumstances seemingly impossible salvation. The Lord gave me her love to know and love His Word. I was born again because his spirit forged in my being a union and likeness of Christ who makes me beloved son, and belong to the family of God's children. It gives me joy that this process you have it, or you can have it. Jesus Christ today declare to my brethren that You are the supreme love of my life! "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going." John 3:8. The wind blew the Holy Spirit, would blow, within the structures of the Catholic religion. He blew where he lived, in a cassock, white Roman collar, clerical, amid idolatrous images and sacraments and signs without grace, without faith. There in a parish liturgies and ceremonies filled. Spirit strong wind blew and took me out, I was released, broke a thousand chains and set me free. He blew the Spirit did not know where he came from or where he was going, or where come. Soon they appeared the signs and signs of the times. It appeared the new preaching we call today, Evangelism anointed with power. Following the Spirit convicted them of sin, repentance came to the thousands who came, experienced forgiveness and the Lord gave us the gift of physical healing. Heal the sick who come in droves. Miraculous healings. When the charismatic group run out of the city to the mountain, about pelonas hills, arid, next to a stinking dump, the Spirit did not stop, more powerfully wrought miracles and wonders. The Spirit did not blow in the large and rich traditional places of worship, blew in a humble and secluded, as in the manger in Bethlehem where Jesus was born in a stable that smelled. The Lord unleashed a glittering revival here in Atizapan and El Nogal, Atlacomulco, Edo. Mex. But the most wonderful thing was, take off his cassock full and complete sense, renounce the doctrine, customs, laws, traditions and Catholic structures. My walk today is faith. God has given me his holiness. "Christ I love you, I adore you, thank you for the love you give me, I also love you." Aurelio Gómez Velázquez (Pastor Emeritus)
1979After the Lord had worked his first miracle by healing hands "padre Gilberto" in the life of Margarita Flores, having miraculously healed of fungi in the tongue and throat, the door opened to a new way of faith. The first step was to conduct the first Assembly of Health, which took place in the small chapel of the Alamedas, and consisted of just 17 people. To experience the power of God in the healing they received in this meeting, these people are given the task to invite friends and family, which also witnessed healings and miracles that God worked and which also took care to announce everywhere what God was doing in that little chapel. Very soon, this quiet and affluent neighborhood, its streets inundated with poor and sick, who expected either walk with a cane or wheelchair up, to go to prayer. This situation drove him to the neighborhood council complained of continuing with the authorities by the amount and the kind of people who came to the neighborhood. All this was the divine excuse to leave the place to experience a great revival. It was in 1982 when this was the "Exodus to Mount," in which not only a small parish is left behind, but were leaving traditions, to start walking by faith was made.
The place where the father was led Gilberto and thousands of followers, was not a cathedral, even a beautiful field full of flowers and grass, but a "horrible but beautiful dumpster" in the municipalities of Atizapan and Tlalnepantla. So with an umbrella doing a little shadow "Father Gilberto and a pair of" horns "that helped thousands to hear the Gospel message began opencast Sunday celebrations of prayer, where hundreds of miracles and healings were being made by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our next home in the Exodus, was not very hospitable hillside, which became the land that today is Monte María. Once established in this area of 30,000 square meters, the father Gilberto says "... we took on the task of building and organizing our community. The Lord blessed us abundantly with signs and miraculous signs, both in the spiritual field and in material things. We saw how it grew the number of worshipers experience the conversion of many people and witnessed the transformation of many families. Since then ... the Lord has made us grow in love and today we have a community of faith and worship. We are not tired, and never tire of proclaiming to the nations that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior, the Messiah, sent by the Father who gives us his Spirit, who rules and governs our lives. We work hard to ensure that his Word, the Bible, to be known and lived. We continue to struggle for victory the Lord has promised us.
Since the Lord each day added more people to the Church, it was necessary to seek a larger plot that could accommodate more people. God was so supernaturally provided an area of over 100 hectares, located in Atlacomulco Edo. of Mexico, called "El Nogal". This field received at each meeting more than 1,000 buses coming from different parts of the country and came to gather more than 200,000 people seeking God's face. The way in which shone the glory of God in this place, was captured and written by the "father Gilberto" with the following words: "El Nogal, Monte Maria, one of the great experiences of faith. We fail to understand the great blessings we have received from the Lord, for our stay at el Nogal has been more than wonderful. How has grown Monte Maria community's revival of faith group has thousands and thousands and spiritual fruit is felt every day ... it was not easy to walk 15 years in the way of the Gospel, in the commitment to Jesus Christ. Everything we have done has cost sweat, tears, crying, praying. However, our spirit is always alive and "strong before the Lord".
Our Monte María Church, had many problems with the Roman hierarchy, due to various circumstances, including where no images, no confession, nor the Eucharist is celebrated, but mostly because we studied the Word of God. Added to this, they had seen the father Gilberto preach in the Zocalo Capitalino with the "separated brethren" This caused the bishop of Tlalnepantla summon a session with father Gilberto in which the following are addressed: * Require that not again have any dealings with Protestants. * Rename "Monte Maria," for that of "Nuestra Señora de la Salud". * Give the site of Atizapán to the Roman hierarchy for them to be handled. * During the Assembly we have to shout Glory to God! just once. * The gifts and charisms only the bishop can exercise. After a while, father Gilberto, fully convinced purpose for which it was called and living in fullness the Word of God in his life, he decides to renounce Catholicism. It was then, in December 1996, make an appointment with the Archbishop to express a few words, anyone who has lived subjugated under Roman rules and knows that any enemy of the Roman Church is destroyed, you may declare so boldly ... "In the full possession of my mental faculties, intellectual and moral. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I tell you that I renounce the priesthood and also the Roman Catholic Church" Trying to persuade Archbishop his statement, he begged him to reconsider and come back better next week. But in the next session, Pastor Aurelio returned to ratify his words, and so began a period of persecution for the Church. The bishop immediately excommunicated him and all who follow him. Quickly by all the Catholic churches in Mexico, the priests were distributed a document which read: "With great pain I worth to inform the Catholic community that Fr. Gilberto Gómez Velázquez, who lives in this Archdiocese and who was in charge of the Chaplaincy of Our Lady of Health, commonly known as Monte María, said me their free, full and conscious of abandoning the Catholic faith and the priestly ministry decision. I look at the painful necessity to declare that, by departing from the Communion of the Church (...) this priest has automatically incurred EXCOMMUNICATION (.. .) Consequently, from now on, it is prohibited to all the faithful go to Monte María or any other place where that priest involved or direct healing prayer meetings or worship ". Despite the soft and gentle sounding these words, it was the beginning of an attack that was intended to destroy everything that had to do with the father Gilberto and Monte María. The priests of the different parishes issued statements threatening to prevent continue to collect. Added to this, they began the lawsuits, threats, attacks and defamation against the father Gilberto. To the thousands of followers who lived in the province beat them, running them from their jobs, they not sell them fuel and last but not least, he went so far as to deprive them of basic services such as water and light. The next Assembly, after Aurelio Pastor announced that no longer belonged to the Roman Church to follow Jesus Christ, down incredibly in attendance. After filling all the blue seats in the esplanade, which are thousands, just see about 500 people faithful to the Lord. But that did not stop us in these hard times we learned to rely completely and utterly the Lord Jesus Christ. Miracles continued to take place and God was adding every day more Catholics who decided to follow Jesus Christ.
The morning dew disappeared with the passage of a radiant sun in el Nogal. The birdsong was being overshadowed by voices shouting 'Praise to God!', as huge lines of men and women who watched from afar a huge baptistry that resembled a large pool that soon would witness what they were doing he lived in the book of Acts when the first believers were baptized. After a time of prayer and praise, he appeared the first person to open the way down to the waters and make public their faith; this man with white hair and radiant face was who was known by the name "father Gilberto," but in a moment he was more openly known as the "Aurelio Pastor". Behind him, an army of more than 3,000 believers, also walked down to the water, to declare to the world that we are true witnesses of Jesus Christ.
"The time has come, the time is fulfilled", could be read the announcement that was made of 40 uninterrupted nights of revival and evangelism that would take place in our Church. But the Holy Spirit that precious time widened to 400 nights charismatic meetings. The light of Christ shone in those beautiful nights, where conversions, healings and miracles were the seal of the Holy Spirit used to confirm His presence among us.
Although our church is still known as "Monte Maria", the name of this new Church of Jesus Christ is: "Tierra Prometida" (Promised Land), a name which was appointed by our founding pastor. The first 25 years of walking with the Lord have been years of great blessing and fulfillment of prophecies that have been given to this community of faith. Since God gave us through father Emiliano Tardiff on April 25, 1980, which reads: "He really loves this community and want to be a center where his power and love manifest. Here the Lord wants many people to come, will become a charismatic center that will have great influence throughout the region. Because the Lord has dig a well chosen here so that the people who thirsts come here their thirst at this fountain of crystalline water shall be satisfied. " This prophecy, like many others, remains to date a beautiful reality that thousands and thousands of people from throughout Mexico and other countries, have experienced here. The day commemorates these first 25 years, was a celebration of "intimate gratitude praise and worship supreme", in which we remember the old paths, without ceasing to look forward, we must possess the earth, to the "Promised Land".
"No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:5 The first meeting took Pastor Aurelio Gomez with Bro. Robert Stevenson, was held in the year 1993 in Lomas Lindas, with the dozens of witnesses who were at the flea market to buy its mandate and listening to the message of the Gospel lips of a white and tall man, named Roberto. From that concerted divine appointment in heaven, their relationship was increasing day after day, until indication of the Holy Spirit, Bro. Roberto, who had founded some churches in Mexico, submitted his ministry to pastor Aurelio to support you in the work that God was doing in the Promised Land Church. The divine bond between these two men was obvious to all of a God-ordained plan shows. They could see how together they preached the gospel with great power anywhere, whether in the Ecclesial Assemblies, the Assemblies of Power, Nights Healing in the Baptism in the Nogal or to go together to another country to proclaim it God was doing. Spirit-filled preaching the good news, expelled demons and healed diseases in the name of Jesus. It was such a strong bond as God had also shown in the life of Moses and Joshua. And just as Moses had to name a successor by divine direction, pastor Aurelio also received the same direction from God to appoint his successor before the end of his pilgrimage on this earth. On March 14, 2006, Pastor Aurelio Gómez in the presence of the elders of the Church, (the brethren. Jose Herrera, Ricardo Otero and Roberto Stevenson), announced that his divine quest to know what God wanted people to stay in instead, he had finally found his answer. And it was announced that Bro. Roberto the person God had chosen to be his successor. Laying on of hands in to share their gifts and authority, pastor Aurelio prayed for him and since then Bro. Robert Stevenson became the second pastor in the history of this Church of Jesus Christ. Sunday April 2, 2006, the news was announced to the entire congregation by the elders of the church and the minister Adoniram Gaxiola, pastor Aurelio's friend. The Church received with shouts of joy this divine appointment and together raised their prayers to God for our pastor Robert Stevenson.
2006A couple of weeks after the appointment of his successor, Pastor Aurelio was called by the Lord to leave this earth. A terrible and incurable disease called "idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis" was detected in the life of Pastor Aurelio in 2001. This incurable disease, gives a longer period than a year of life for people who suffer. But in the life of the shepherd Aurelio miraculously, to the surprise of science he stopped for five years, until the time came when the Lord would have His presence to his servant Aurelio. Pastor Aurelio once wrote the following about his life: "The wind of the Spirit blew, wanted to blow, within the structures of the Catholic religion. Blew where he lived, in a cassock, white Roman collar, clerical, amid idolatrous images and sacraments and signs without grace, without faith. There in a crowded parish liturgies and ceremonies. the Spirit strong wind blew and took me out, I released, broke a thousand chains and set me free. blew the Spirit but do not know where it came from or where he was going, or where would " The Holy Spirit always had control of his life, even determined far come on their pilgrimage on this earth, and that date was April 7, 2006. From that moment, the breath of the Spirit now led him to his home eternal in the presence of their Savior. Now when the Lord calls the roll of the dead saints, our beloved pastor Aurelio, hearing his name, can finally answer: here! In the Church there were tears of longing for the memories lived with him, but they were tears of joy and gratitude for the opportunity that God gave us to meet this tireless servant of the Lord. Sunday April 9, when we celebrated the life of the shepherd Aurelio, received word of consolation and encouragement from God, we drove to proceed: " Then I heard a voice from heaven say, 'Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.' 'Yes,' says the Spirit, 'they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.'" Revelations 14:13
Today, in the Tierra Prometida (Promised Land) Church, Moune María, continue with the apostolic vision of our founder. It is a charismatic church that believes and practices the diversity of spiritual gifts. It is a Christ-centered Church, who believes and recognizes Jesus Christ as the center and heart of all things. It is an Evangelistic Church, recognizing his call to be a blessing to every tongue and people and nation. We continue to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in the various activities carried out, both in the Church of Atizapán, as in the various churches that have Monte Maria, Tierra Prometida, along the Mexican Republic. There are still many people who read this can raise your hand and say: I was there serving the Lord!, I witness the power of God! But the history of this Church has not come to an end; and day after day, meeting after meeting, still writing the wonders God is doing. Would you raise up your hand within a few years ahead of future generations to say "I was there", "I witness the power of God"? We hope so, because today more than ever, we are willing to continue to serve Jesus Christ and testify that He is our Lord, our King, our Savior and the Lord of history will continue writing this Church, until He comes with power and great glory. Amen.
Es un programa de Adiestramiento y Capacitación para jóvenes solteros con el propósito fundamental de llevar el evangelio a toda criatura
En nuestra escuela avanzada nos enfocamos a Profundizar, Reflexionar, Ayudarles, Orientarles y a integrarlos en un servicio donde puedan desarrollar sus dones y talentos, a fin de bendecir a la gente que le rodea y glorificar a Dios
En nuestra Escuela BÃblica Infantil, podrás conocer a otros niños que al igual que tú, van descubriendo que aunque sean pequeños pueden evangelizar a otros, que no tienen a Jesús en su corazón, para vivir una vida en bendición.