Primera Reunión Familiar

This assembly is characterized by joy, dance, testimonies and the proclamation of the Gospel of God's grace.

Sunday 11:30 a.m.

Segunda Reunión Familiar
Sunday Service

The primary focus is the edification of the believers for the work of ministry.

During the service there are special classes for all ages from birth to 17 years.

Sunday 9:00a.m.

Reunión Familiar
Saturday Healing

We proclaim the Word of Faith and personally we minister to those who have a need.

Saturdays 11:00 am

Oración de intercesión
Intercessory Prayer

This assembly is the source of life for believers and source of hope for the needy.

All who want to seek  God are invited.

Tusday 5:00 p.m and Thursday 10:00 a.m

Grupo de rehabilitación
Rehabilitation Group

In this group we minister freedom to those who are entangled in drug or alcohol abuse,

It is a support for those who are in recovery and provides counseling for families in crisis related to addiction.

Thursday 6:00 p.m.



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